Dental Hygiene Clinic

全球赌博十大网站的口腔卫生诊所为学生提供教育经验,使他们成为有执照的注册牙科保健师. 为此目的, 我们以合理的价格向社区的任何成员提供临床服务.

The preventive services of cleanings, x射线, athletic mouth guards, 菌斑控制, fluoride treatments, 密封剂, and nutritional counseling are offered. 我们致力于在新泽西州牙科委员会建立的牙科卫生实践范围内为患者提供最高标准的护理. 诊所向公众开放,并由持牌牙医监督. 服务由学生提供,由持牌卫生师监督.

Clinic Information and Patient Responsibilities

该诊所位于布莱克伍德校区的凯文·哈尔彭科学与健康教育厅, 107房间.

预约电话:(856)374-4930. 口腔预防(清洁牙齿)预约时间为3小时,详情见“Hours of Operation“低于. 与任何教学机构一样,个人服务比私人设置需要更多的时间. Your treatment may require several lengthy visits. 程序的每一步都由教练仔细评估. Therefore, you must expect to wait during the procedure.

Screening (New Patients)
从未在口腔卫生诊所作过病人的个人,在被接纳为病人之前,必须由工作人员牙医进行筛查. At the screening appointment, the patient will fill out a medical/dental history form, have vital signs taken, and complete an oral exam. 那些被接受为病人的个人可以在这个时候预约治疗.

Patients of Record
以前在卫生诊所看过的病人可以安排清洁预约,而不必重复筛查过程. 然而, 如果距离上次预约已超过七年, it may be necessary to be screened again.

Late or Broken 任命
因为对病人来说,尊重学生对教育和病人护理的承诺是至关重要的, we require at least 48 hours notice for a cancellation. 如未给予适当通知,将被视为未赴约. 如果有两次预约不按时,病人将被从诊所开除. 如果病人迟到超过20分钟,学生将为另一个病人治疗.

Rules Regarding Minors
预定到诊所就诊的成年病人不应带着年幼的孩子. 我们没有保姆设施,也不能对无人照看的孩子承担责任.

所有未成年患者在进行任何临床程序之前,必须有父母或监护人签署的临床表格. 家长或监护人必须留在等候区,而病人是由导师批准治疗. 我们希望12岁以下儿童的父母/监护人留在这里,直到治疗完成. 家长/监护人是否应在治疗开始后离开诊所, 我们必须有一个在紧急情况下可以联系到他/她的电话号码.

病人必须在门诊结束时被接走. A child patient cannot leave the clinic alone.

The school closing number for Camden County College is 559. If the college is closed, the clinic will also be closed. 查看CCC的网站,关闭将在首页的顶部列出 or listen to KYW Newsradio 1060 AM or 103.9 FM). You may call to reschedule.

Patients may park in white-lined spaces only. Kevin Halpern Hall is handicap accessible, including a special parking area, 一个斜坡, and an elevator to the second floor. 违章停车将由保安开具违章停车罚单.

Health Considerations
所有在口腔卫生诊所就诊的病人都必须填写一份全面的医疗和牙科病史表, with updates at each subsequent visit, 并且必须在治疗前签署同意书.

有病史或牙科病史表明过去或现在病情的患者将由工作人员牙医和临床教员进行评估,以评估患者的医疗需求. 可能需要向患者的医生发送一份医疗证明表格.

患者报告任何传染病史是很重要的. Examples include hepatitis, HIV infection, and tuberculosis. 我们的政策是,不会拒绝患有潜在传染病的个人获得临床服务.

重要的是,患者必须披露任何以前需要特别预防的疾病, such as but not limited to, mitral valve prolapse, prosthetic joint replacement, heart valve replacement, or a congenital heart defect. 所有医疗信息将被严格保密,并将用于帮助我们以安全和适当的方式治疗您. 需要预先用药的患者如果没有按照指示服药,将不能接受治疗. 鼓励服用药物的患者每次就诊时都随身携带药物.



注册费 $2.00
Oral prophylaxis (cleaning) $5.00
Bitewing radiographs with prescription from dentist $2.00
Full mouth radiographs with prescription from dentist $5.00
Panoramic radiograph with prescription from dentist $5.00
Sealants (per tooth) with prescription from dentist $2.00
Plaque control program $5.00
Nutritional Counseling 免费的


Hours of Operation

The Dental Hygiene Clinic, located in Kevin Halpern Hall, 107房间, 将按以下时间表对病人开放:

Spring Semester – March to May

周一——上午9点.m. 到中午12点,下午1点.m. 到下午4点.m.
Tuesdays – No Morning Hours下午12点到3点半.m.
星期三-上午9点.m. 到中午12点,下午1点.m. 到下午4点.m.
Thursdays – 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.下午12点到3点半.m.